Saturday, August 05, 2006

Passed Bronze Moves! OMG!!!

I am still recovering from the shock that I've finally defeated this monster of a Moves test this morning!!! OMG!!! OVER FOUR YEARS in the making!!! It's SUCH A HUGE MONKEY off my shoulders and believe it, I'm very thankful this particular test is done! When I found out I passed this test, I CRIED on my test forms!!! It was an overwhelming experience, lemme tell 'ya!!!

Next test up is Bronze FS... I have no clue when I'm testing this one, though if it were up to my primary coach, it would be at the next test session!!! *rolleyes*

Additional nots: Motto for my test session today: "SKATE B****!!!!" *evil grin* (A quote from one of the other coaches at my rink... he was trying to get me to skate angry enough to get some speed! God love him for his chutzpah!!! LOL!!!)

Primary coach's way of congratulating me "You better be jumping tomorrow! You're testing Bronze FS in September!!!" (Me: "Ummmm... don't I need a consistent THIRD single jump first???" =:-O )

The notes below are my test notes for this test session! Enjoy reading it! Those of you reading this and working on Bronze Moves, I hope this helps you to prepare for your test! :-D

Time to collapse in a heap somewhere...

Well, no surprises here!!! The butterflies in my stomach were definitely going full force here!!! I was skating "angry" on the first, second and fourth move. I didn't expect to pass on the power 3's. They were sucky to start and we all knew that going into the test and I concentrated on the first, second and fourth move to make up for it. 5 step mohawk was the wildcard move for me.

I had no retries to do!!!

Forward Perimeter Crossovers:

No surprises here! I had trouble during the warm up... and I really needed to slow down long enough to watch out for those toe pushes...

Judge 1: 2.5 - nice speed but steppy and toe pushes. Good extensions, but POINT YOUR TOES!!!
Judge 2: 2.5 - maintained flow throughout; extension fine; watch out for toe pushing; work on push under
Judge 3: 2.6 - maintained flow and power; extension OK

Back Perimeter Crossovers:

The "some flat edges on strokes" is partly b/c I was dealing with the ditch! The knee bend part is the part I'm concerned about... since in practice it wasn't that bad...

Judge 1: 2.5 - Again, excellent speed for level. Need to push through more. More knee bend and get off those toe picks!!!
Judge 2: 2.4 - Would like to see more knee bend, sit back more on blade to get less toe scraping.
Judge 3: 2.5 - maintained flow and generated power throughout; some flat edges on strokes

Forward Power 3-turns:

Yeah, yeah! I know this moves for me SUCKS!!! Almost killed myself on the 2nd half of the move! NEXT!!!

Judge 1: 2.4 - Good power/flow for level. Turn is OK - not on toe but back edges on toe/ leaning forward too much
Judge 2: 2.4 - Cautious, need stronger push and edge into 3 turns
Judge 3: 2.4 - Flow OK, Shallow lobes, on toes on 2nd half

Alt Back Crossovers to BO Edges:

VERY VERY happy about this move! Jay said it was my BEST move out of this test!!! It's a bit slow for me, but as long as I kept the flow, I was happy!

Judge 1: 2.6 - Good speed/flow -> NOW you are NOT on toes!!! GOOD!!! BUT POINT TOE on free leg!!!
Judge 2: 2.5 - Maintained flow throughout, some scratchy on crossovers. Extension good
Judge 3: 2.6 - maintained flow and power; good ice coverage; good upper body control

5 step mohawks:

This was the wild card move... but thankfully I focused on the other moves to make up for this one! I needed it!!! I concentrated on KICKING thru the extensions!!! But I still have to work on those nasty mohawks!!! But WHEW, I got a passing mark from Judge 1!

Judge 1: 2.5 - Excellent lobes -> Scratchy on mohawk. Don't look down!!! POINT TOES!! Good speed.
Judge 2: 2.4 - edge quality of step 3, 4 and 5 OK Extension OK. Need to work on smoother transition in mohawks
Judge 3: 2.4 - Maintained flow & control; Some MOH hopped; Extension OK

Overall Total:

Judge 1: 12.5
Judge 2: 12.2
Judge 3: 12.5

Passing average: 2.5
Passing total: 12.5