Sunday, February 05, 2006

Christmas Trip 2005 - Skating

This week I had plans to stay two weeks, so I was thinking two lessons with each of my coaches out there.

What ended up happening was I got two lessons with the coach in NYC and only one with the Moves Guru in Hackensack! I came down with a nasty flu and was out most of the second week at NYC and I was told not to skate until I was well. I was sad that I couldn't make my second lesson with Edward. I also am sad that I didn't get to meet Frank Romero, who I met thru RSSIR and are net friends on ( and is a student of Edward.) We also tried to get in a third lesson with Emanuele to cheer me up from missing Edward when I was well enough, but, alas, Emanuele was sick with the same flu too! LOL!!! However, I was very VERY happy to see the coaches out there.

Coach in NYC Chelsea Piers - Emanuele:
Well, when I first went to him in 2004, I had such a good time learning some basics and some technical stuff that I said to myself I would come back again when I visit NYC again. Well, I'm back in NYC and as promised, I called him to arrange a lesson. It was just as much, if not even more fun as it was in 2004! This year we went over fixing my crappy crossovers again. He definitely had a lot of patience going thru this with me since I have crappy crossovers!!! At one of my lessons, we went over power pulls and loop jumps. He smack my free leg with his glove when I touched down on my loop jump. (I was two footing my loop landings again. *rolleyes* ) And I managed to at least get my power pulls a bit smoother. (I haven't done power pulls in a LOOOOONG time!!!)

He also took a look at my spins and said that "There's always something to improve on in spins, but for now, let's leave your good spins alone. They're fine for now." KEWL!!! Hopefully the next time I see him, I'll be working on sit spins next!

On the second lesson, we aimed towards going thru the 5 step mohawks and he fixed a minor problem with "presenting" myself right at the beginning. He said I need to extend my free leg more and we went thru this over and over. And at times I get it and at times I don't and I'm glad he has patience and a sense of humor. (Oh, yeah! You'll need it with me, buddy! LOL!!!) The best part is that when I DO finally get it, he's quite enthusiatic about it and will let you know right away. Very encouraging and positive coach!

His parting comment to me (besides "See you next year!") was to learn to skate and constantly "spell check" myself w/o judgement. If I don't get something right at that moment, continue on and try to correct myself the next time. The point he's trying to get to me is "don't beat myself up when I get something wrong." Of course, kinda hard when I'm used to having very strict coaches who beats me up verbally (but in such a funny way that I can't beat them up b/c I'm laughing too hard. Don't worry! My current coaches at home are just great!!!) :-P

Funny note: When I first started with Emanuele in 2004, one of the first thing he complimented on is that I'm brave for an adult skater. Of course, I told him "Oooooh... please tell my two coaches what you just said. I think you'll love their response to that. LOL!!!" (I have a rep for being a BIIIIG chicken! Boc boc boc...)

Hackensack, NJ: - Edward
My only gripes about this trip were 1) that it was QUITE crowded. So many kids!!! and 2) It was difficult to get to via public trans.

Edward is very militaristic and very strict, but he has this way about him that made me have confidence in my skating... if I do exactly what he tells me to!!! LOL!!! Anyway, I did tons more basics (crossovers mostly.) And this guy's got a method for alt. crossovers on the Pre-Juv test. (Obviously, I won't give it away on the net. You'll have to take him as a coach to find out.) He breaks everything down to small pieces and amkes me work on those small pieces before he would even let me try the big thing! Even arm position... I did arm and head/waist "switching" (directions) in isolation and he was nit-picky about it. EEEEK!!!

I have TONS of tips on my Bronze Moves to take home and work on though! And off ice... he's a real SWEETHEART!!! Love the guy!!! I plan on being back with him when I visit again. But probably we're gonna work on basics rather than moves itself, so I have a better foundation when I do work on moves. We'll see when the time happens, I guess.

And White Manna made a statement for me. LOVE THOSE BURGERS!!! LOL!!! Gotta love it when a teenage boy plays food critic and gives a place his THUMBS UP!!! LOL!!!

Prospect Park, Brooklyn - Dinah!!! :D
I had a great time with Dinah, though I wasn't happy with the crowds or the ice itself. (It was outdoor ice and cold. The ice was way too hard for me!.) Dinah in this case is NOT my coach, but is a coach there. We showed off my mohawks (which she says it's much better than last year.) I also got to meet a slew of adult skating friends of hers. But her main attraction for her -- my purple boots!!! :D

We went out for dim sum afterwards where I got to meet her two DD's and one of the DD's friends. They weren't as daring on the food as Mom was, but did like the stuff I've picked for them. Sadly the one drawback to our trip was that both Jim and I were becoming quite sick throughout the day. We managed to work out a deal where if I filled up Dinah's gas tank for her van, that we would get a ride home back to Valley Stream with her. She gladly took the offer. Best part is that both she and I can gossip about stuff. (Even better, my hubby and her got along well too. Hubby has never really liked a lot of my friends before on first impressions, but this one she did like b/c she's mature and intelligent, yet kind.)

I really wished I got more skating in with the coaches, but I'm happy with what I got anyway. And I look forward to my next trip to see my in-laws! I definitely want to see Emanuele and Edward again! BOTH are just sweethearts!!! I have a soft spot for them every time I think of those two!!!

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