Saturday, March 29, 2008

Periodization... the home stretch!!!

This past March has been a very rough month for me skating-wise. I have been going to a lot of FS session and gradually building myself up to doing double runthrus of my program plus one of the other program.

One thing I know for sure... morning freestyle sessions are NOT great for me skating wise. Neither is lack of sleep these days and I'm facing a LOT of that as of late. (I figured that from not doing great in the mornings but doing GREAT programs later on in the afternoon or evenings.)

But the good part is that come April 2nd (well, the 3rd since I have a lesson with my primary coach that day...) when I start tampering off the workouts and the skating to allow my body the rest it needs to perform well on competition day. This is the last part of the periodization process!!! Now it does NOT mean that I totally slack off and not do any workout... I just have to be aware of overdoing it! My figure skating personal trainer specifically said "Yeah, go ahead and do cardio and stretching but don't go overboard with the weight training. You want to give your body a chance to recover." (Yup! Guilty as charged! I do push myself a lot and don't always give myself a chance to recover... not a good thing!!!)

Still a lot of prep work here. I just had a makeup application lesson so that I can put on my own makeup when I'm at Lake Placid, since I really can't assume that I will have a makeup artist there and my primary coach (who's also a hairdresser) ... well, I don't think makeup is one of his specialties. Have to check on some stuff so I know what to pack for the trip and what to leave at home. (I don't know what will be provided for me at the vacation home that I'm staying at for this trip.) I also have to figure out what stuff animals and other trickles to throw on the ice and to whom and label those items too. I also need to figure out my schedule so I can met and greet as many of my fellow skating buddies as possible. (A lot of these friends are LONG TIME net skating friends who I will finally meet in person for the first time!!! This is what I'm really looking forward to!!!) :-)

And speaking of sleep... ZZZZZZZzzzzz!!! :-)


lutzbutz2687 said...

Jazzpants, how did you do at Adult Nationals??? Also what's Braden's clothing website address, I've got to check this out for myself!

Jazzpants said...

I did well considering the situation! Much better on the technical number than the Interp. But nowhere near medalling. I'll post my blog on Adults National once I get thru this really nasty project I have at work to do. :(

BOGO's email address for Veretto Sport is But to warn 'ya... he doesn't check that email that often. :(