Monday, April 25, 2005

Am not skating on Wednesday nights anymore...

I'm starting to gain back some weight from not doing enough cardio and I'm not getting as much productive practice as I would like, so I am going to switch back to doing the gym on Wed nights to help get that 3 day a week at the gym.

I'm just sick of having to deal with the kids there and I need an emptier session to start gaining power on the moves w/o feeling like I'm gonna crash into someone. I'll try this for a few weeks to see what happens.

Also, I'm now looking into doing Pilates either on Sat. or Sun. with a Pilates trainer to appease the secondary coach goddess' need for me to be more flexible and have more muscle control. I don't know if I'll add more skating time... but if I don't, I don't think it'll be that big of a loss... (Of course, I'll tell the secondary coach this. I think she'll understand why I'm dropping Wed. nights, considering that I take lessons on Wed mornings with her! And my primary coach doesn't really care about how I spend my time as much... he just wants results!) :-P

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