Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Last Lesson before AN...

My primary coach and I had our lesson this afternoon before he takes off for Adults Nationals. This year he is "in retirement" and won't be competing, much to the sadness of a lot of adult skaters out there, because he's such a beautiful skater to watch!

Oh, dear! I still have a long way to go on my basics to be ready for Bronze Moves, especially the back crossovers going the counter-clockwise direction!!! I guess my homework this week, like last week, are practicing those 'til the cows come home! I also have work to do on my FI mohawks too! He skipped working on forward power 3's this week (which is just as well, since the LFO side has no power whatsoever.) *rolleyes* However, he did like my forward alt. crossovers a lot!!! :D

So I got work cut out for me while both of my coaches are gone. (My secondary coach is also out of town at a competition but NOT AN!) No rest for this demi-geek/skater!!! She's got WORK to do this week!!!

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