Friday, March 11, 2005

Cuz I'm the tax man...yeah, I'm the tax man!!!

Best described by the Beatles It's that time of the year again... Gotta go and see my tax consultant! BTW: here's a shameless plug for Bob Deitz's Tax Services! Excellent guy... of course, he's a tad expensive, so I go to his associate Dorothy instead! Both are EA's (enrolled agents... they're the ones that represents the taxpayers before the IRS.) If you got lots of complicated tax paperwork (i.e. stock options, self-employed, etc...) and want strategic advice on how to manage your money, he's the guy to go to!!!

Of course, I hope this year won't end up with another parody:

"I owe! I owe! So off to work I go..." :-P

(It shouldn't be this way. I have a house with a mortgage...) :)

Edited to add: Got back about $2800 in Fed and $800 in State. All debts are now in the house equity loan, which is DEDUCTABLE! Thank goodness for buying a house!!! :)

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