Thursday, June 02, 2005

Looking for more technical challenges...

Need to start talking to my boss after my current project about getting a project that's more challenging for me. I would like to see if I could persuade him to at least let me try a couple of UI test automation and I could start building up some test automation for the company...

Don't get me wrong though... except for this, I love my new job!!! The commute is a dream and the people there are just wonderful!!! I have the luxury doing the school year of taking off in the middle of the day to skate at a quiet public session.(Well, except for last week and this week!!!) And it's a lot more sane than my last job (as much as I enjoyed working at that last job too... and I do miss my friends well as my ex-boss.) :-(

I don't know... *sigh* Part of me thinks it's not a good sign if I'm bored and not challenged on things that I think are marketable in the real world... And right now, I'm technically bored!

Other option I have is to start playing with the freebie stuff. (i.e. start learning LAMP... I got the M part of LAMP so far on my own...)

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