Monday, March 14, 2005

One reason why I keep pushing to be eligible for AN...

The comaradarie that comes from the adult skating world is the REAL reason why I work so hard and so many years to become eligible for Adults Nationals. I feel the "Quan" (or should I say "the Kwan") when I'm around these people...

I posted the posting above the one that "sk8er1964" has reply to (that I linked above) because I *KNOW* how well those guys skate! Nick Chou (this year's Pacific Coast Adult Sectionals champion in the Championship Adult Gold men event) have gorgeous edges, nice jumps and cool spins. (Especially his cannonball sit spins!!!) I dare "kunduchaiko" to tell me that he doesn't have that nice polish. Same with Andy Schell!!! Same with a particular former Adult Gold male skater and 2002 Adult Nationals Adult Gold men champion. (My coach, Jay... *AHEM*)

I hope that posters like "TimDavidSkate" and "kunduchaiko" would strongly think about getting back on the ice and "SKATE DAMMIT!!! SKATE!!!" You guys have LESS THAN ONE MONTH to get ready for Adult Nationals in Kansas City! What the hell are you guys doing griping about a "sandbagger?"

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